These General Terms and Conditions of Use of the Website and Services (the “Terms of Use and Transactions” or the “Terms of Use”) set out the terms and conditions of your browsing and use of our Website and govern the contract entered into between us for the provision of services by us. Before entering our Website we invite you to consult the Terms of Use and Transactions and ensure that you agree to them. If you disagree with any of these Terms of Use, you must not take any action on our Website including simply browsing it. However, any action you take on our Website, including but not limited to browsing it, subscribing to our Company’s newsletter, shall be deemed to be your unconditional acceptance of these Terms of Use and Transactions.

Paragon Real Estate reserves the right to unilaterally modify or renew these Terms of Use at its sole discretion and/or when the modification is required by law, possibly without prior notice to you, but always within the limits of the commercial ethics and the limits set by law. Paragon Real Estate undertakes to inform you of any modifications as well as of any change, through the Website. Any amendments will be effective from the date of their posting on this Website. It is clarified that any change to these Terms of Use does not cover services that have already been provided by our Website, before the entry into force of the amendments in accordance with the above. Its use after the aforementioned modification is considered as acceptance of the Terms of Use, as modified.

Your use of this Website and any transaction is at your sole responsibility.



The information provided by this Website is subject to any technical or typographical errors that cannot be foreseen or have occurred unintentionally or due to interruptions in the operation of this Website or due to force majeure. Paragon Real Estate has taken all the necessary technical and other means to ensure that the availability of the properties is immediately updated, however, it expressly reserves the right to reserve their specifications, since the responsibility is solely that of the owners.

All your personal data, collected through the special online form at www.paragon.realestate, are strictly necessary for the performance of the above services and your registration indicates your full consent.


Your subscription to our Company’s newsletter is at your own discretion and is not a mandatory procedure for the provision of our services, including your simple browsing of our website.

Your subscription to our Company’s newsletter service is completed by entering your email address in the corresponding field on our website. By completing your registration, you give your express consent to our Company sending you informative and promotional material about its products and services, as well as related advertising messages. For the protection of your personal data, please refer to the relevant link.

Paragon Real Estate is not responsible if the newsletters are not delivered to their destination, although it makes every effort with the ISP’s (Internet Service providers) for their delivery. Newsletters may end up in the spam folder, so please check regularly that they are not stored there. If you wish to no longer receive newsletters or wish to unsubscribe altogether from Paragon Real Estate’s news delivery system, you can inform us using the contact form on the Website or via the corresponding link that appears in the email newsletters you receive.



  1. Exclusive Liability of the User/Consumer.

You are solely and exclusively responsible for the lawful use of the Website and you are obliged to refrain from any illegal act and abusive behaviour as well as from adopting illegal practices and practices of unfair competition.

Participation as a member is only possible for natural or legal persons with full legal capacity. Minors (persons under 18 years of age) are excluded from obtaining membership.

You are solely responsible for the legality and correctness of the Information, Data and details provided by you to Paragon Real Estate, which the Company has no responsibility or obligation to control, unless this is imposed upon complaint or by law.

  1. Prohibited Uses

It is prohibited to use the Paragon Real Estate Company Website to send in any way, publish, transmit any content that is illegal, threatening, offensive, abusive, defamatory, immoral, vulgar, obscene, reinforces or expresses racial, ethnic or other discrimination, may cause harm to third parties in any way.

Any act or omission by you that (a) infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights of Paragon Real Estate or third parties, (b) contains viruses or other software that may cause interruption, harm, damage, destroy or prevent the operation of any software or cause damage to the fame and reputation of the Company, its Affiliates and the Related Companies and/or other users/members/consumers, or may violate any personal or other data of the users/members/consumers of this Website/Electronic Shop.

In addition it is prohibited:

(a) Any access or attempt to access any information and data (including personal data) that is transmitted through the Site and for which you have no authorization or authority to use.

(b) Accessing our Website for the purpose of creating or producing a service that competes with our own services.

(c) Facilitating in any way and by any means third parties to gain access to the Data provided to Paragon Real Estate by its Members.

(d) Any form of software piracy, hacking and/or interception, copying, analog/digital recording and mechanical reproduction, distribution, transfer, downloading, processing, resale, creation of derivative works of data (including personal data) and information, including the content and material (photos, graphics, texts, etc.) of the Website.

Β. LIABILITY of Paragon Real Estate

  1. Owner’s Liability and Guarantee.

The owner of any property is liable for any damage due to a defect in the property. Any agreement to limit or release the owner from liability is void. In case of doubt as to the identity of the owner of a property, please let us know. In any case, properties must be accompanied by the necessary legal documents.

  1. Limitation of Guarantees – Liability

Paragon Real Estate always acts in good faith and within the framework of the law and these General Conditions. Therefore, it has taken and continues to take all necessary technical or other measures and makes every effort to ensure that (a) the website operates continuously and correctly without problems, interruptions, delays, errors or mistakes, (b) the data/information provided and transmitted through this website are not altered and are protected by backups, as the security systems of this website are subject to limitations, (c) the technology it uses or the servers through which our online store is made available to Users does not contain viruses or other harmful components or software programs, however Paragon Real Estate does NOT PROVIDE ANY WARRANTIES for all of the above and is not obliged to compensate you in case you suffer any damage for the above reasons.

Furthermore, Paragon Real Estate does not provide any guarantee (a) for the suitability, effectiveness, adequacy of the real estate with regard to the purpose for which you intended it and (b) for the correct and proper performance of the transactional obligations of the other Users of the website and its services.

Paragon Real Estate makes reasonable efforts to ensure the maintenance and availability of its content. Nevertheless, users accept that Paragon Real Estate is entitled to modify and/or temporarily or permanently suspend all or part of the website with and/or without notice to users, since availability may be affected by users’ equipment, by other communication networks, by the large number of people trying to use the website at the same time or by other causes. Therefore, the company shall not be liable for any kind of damage (positive, consequential, negligent, intercontractual or other) resulting from the inability of users to access it, the suspension of all or part of it, the delay, interruption or poor quality of the reception of its services or loss of its content, the existence of any kind of errors.

The company is not responsible for any technical problems that may occur to users when they attempt to access the website and during the course of this and are related to the operation or compatibility of their own infrastructure with the use of the website. Also, Paragon Real Estate has no responsibility for acts or omissions of third parties and in particular unauthorized interventions of third parties in services and / or information available through this website.

In addition to what is expressly set forth herein, Paragon Real Estate has no civil, criminal or otherwise liability towards you and / or any third party who claims rights from you, in the event that any of the above, when using the services and / or products of this e-shop suffer direct, indirect, consequential, consequential economic or other damage, lost profits, due to: (a) errors, omissions, technical stoppages, failures or malfunctions of the telecommunication networks, the Internet, the website, the Internet Service Providers; (b) permanent or temporary interruption of the website or certain of its services and/or interruption of the provision of certain products through the online store; (c) events, situations, actions, acts and/or omissions of Paragon Real Estate or third parties including other Users for which Paragon Real Estate does not provide guarantees and is not liable in accordance with the terms herein, d) information and other content that may be published and communicated by third parties.

Paragon Real Estate reserves the right to the time of provision of services in cases of force majeure.

Paragon Real Estate reserves the right at any time to temporarily or permanently suspend the operation of all or part of the service for maintenance or upgrading purposes or for any other reason.

Paragon Real Estate cannot provide any guarantee for the availability of the properties, but guarantees to inform end consumers in a timely manner of their unavailability.

Paragon Real Estate is in no way responsible for your communication with third party service providers that advertise or are advertised on www.paragon.realestate and for any commercial transaction that may arise from the relationship between you.

The Website may contain links to other websites. Paragon Real Estate shall in no way be deemed to endorse or accept the content or services of other websites that may be linked to it through links and expressly disclaims any liability for any content, privacy policy, quality of content and services. Furthermore, Paragon Real Estate shall not be liable for any unavailability of these websites, their privacy policy, the quality and completeness of their information and services.

Paragon Real Estate does not control and does not undertake any preventive control of the content and information published and communicated by third parties and bears no responsibility for them.

Paragon Real Estate has the right to temporarily or permanently exclude a member at any time and without stating the reasons, i.e. to cancel/delete/prevent the access and/or participation of a member (temporarily and/or permanently) without any claims against it. It is understood that such member is prohibited from becoming a member of www.paragon.realestate again with the same or different details unless www.paragon.realestate expressly consents to this. To this end, the member consents to www.paragon.realestate keeping his/her personal data in its system in order to be able to identify any subsequent attempt to register him/her. The above applies in particular (but not exclusively) in case of violation of the terms of use by the member, which in their entirety are recognized and agreed by the member as essential, in case of a request by any authority, Court, in case of a complaint by a third party entitled to rights against the member.

Paragon Real Estate reserves the right at any time, without justification and without compensation, to discontinue or suspend the provision of its services and/or its operation permanently or temporarily without any obligation to inform the members in advance. Paragon Real Estate is only liable for direct damage caused by its fraudulent intent or gross negligence. Subject to mandatory provisions, Paragon Real Estate’s liability for direct damage due to slight negligence is expressly excluded, regardless of the legal reason. The liability of Paragon Real Estate for indirect or consequential damages is completely and expressly excluded – regardless of the reason.


All the content of the web pages of this website, including images, graphics, photographs, drawings, texts, services and products are the intellectual property of Paragon Real Estate and are protected by the relevant provisions of Greek law, European law and international conventions and treaties.

Any copying, analog/digital recording and mechanical reproduction, distribution, transfer, downloading, processing, resale, part or all of the content of the website for any purpose other than strictly personal use is prohibited, unless Paragon Real Estate gives its written consent.

The names, images, logos and distinctive features representing Paragon Real Estate and/or its website and/or third parties contracted with them, as well as their products or services, are exclusive trademarks and distinctive features of Paragon Real Estate and/or www.paragon.realestate and/or the above third parties and are protected by Greek, Community and international laws on trademarks and industrial and intellectual property and unfair competition.

In any case, their appearance and display on the www.paragon.realestate websites should in no way be construed as a transfer or assignment of a license or right to use them.


The management and protection of your personal data is governed by the terms of our Personal Data Protection Policy and Cookie Policy and the relevant provisions of Greek, Community and international law on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, as well as the Decisions of the Personal Data Protection Authority.

In order to inform you about your personal data, the processing of your personal data by www.paragon.realestate and its purposes, its recipients and other relevant information regarding its protection and security, please click on the relevant link in order to read and accept these terms and conditions.


  1. Customer identification

www.paragon.realestate recognizes the importance of the security of your Personal Data and your electronic transactions and takes all necessary measures, using the most modern and advanced methods, to ensure your maximum security. All information related to your personal data and transactions is secure and confidential. The security of the www.paragon.realestate website is achieved by the following methods:

The passwords used to identify you are two: the Login Code (e-mail or username) and the Personal Secret Security Code (password), which each time you enter them provide you with access to your personal information in complete security.

  1. Transaction Privacy

The observance of confidentiality is considered self-evident. All information transmitted by the user / member to www.paragon.realestate is confidential and www.paragon.realestate has taken all necessary measures to use it only to the extent necessary in the context of the services provided. Some of the measures taken are the following:

– Only authorised employees have access to your transaction information and only when necessary, e.g. to process your requests.

– www.paragon.realestate does not disclose customer information and transactions unless it has written authorization from you or unless required by a court order or other public authority.

– In case www.paragon.realestate uses third parties to support its systems, it takes care to ensure confidentiality.

For your own safety, you should also treat all information provided through the service as confidential and secret and not make any disclosure to third parties.



These General Terms and Conditions are the final and only terms in force with respect to the provision of the Service by the Company to the User and supersede any prior terms, prior agreements and arrangements, written or oral, between the Company and the User with respect to the use of the Service.


No delay, negligence or forbearance on the part of the Company in enforcing compliance by the User with any of the terms of this Agreement shall constitute a waiver or prejudice to any of the Company’s rights hereunder. If any term herein shall be held by any court of competent jurisdiction or the Authority to be invalid and therefore unenforceable, such term shall not invalidate the remaining terms herein, which shall remain in full force and effect.


In the event that any part of these Terms and Conditions is declared or determined by a court decision to be invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the validity of the remaining part of these Terms and Conditions, which shall remain in full force and effect as if these Terms and Conditions had been executed with the invalid part of these Terms and Conditions stricken. The Company will seek to replace any invalid term with a new valid term, the effect of which will be the nearest equivalent of that which was invalidated.


Any dispute between the contracting parties concerning the application, interpretation, invalidity of the terms of the contract, the existence or non-existence of rights and obligations of the contracting parties under the contract or in tort, shall be interpreted in accordance with Greek law and shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent courts of the city of Athens, to whose jurisdiction the parties hereby voluntarily submit.


You can also contact the Customer Service Department of www.paragon.realestate at 2109603333(43) or send an email to info@paragon.realestate, indicating your full name.


The content and the right to use the trademarks, logos and any content on the website are the intellectual property of the website owner. The owner controls the content and operation of the website from his office at 13, Vouliagmeni Avenue, Glyfada, Attica, Greece. The use of the Website and any dispute arising from it or the services provided is subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Athens accepted by the visitor, user or recipient of the services.